“Turn The Table” is a weekly show broadcast from the Newseum in Washington, DC. Produced by Politico the show is moderated by John F Harris, Editor and Chief of Politico. Each week the panelists are the hosts of the Sunday Morning national Talk Shows. It appears that the show is taped before each week’s respective Sunday broadcasts in front of a live audience of Washington types, media representatives, and what I judged were a smattering of students.
The panelists were David Gregory (NBC Meet the Press), Bob Schieffer (Face the Nation), Candy Crowley (CNN chief political correspondent filling in for some other dude (wasn’t Wolfie who does their show) and my lunch pal from the ABC Newsmaker Luncheon (ABC This Week’s Christiane Amanpour).
Sidebar – The moderator commented on Schieffer’s distinctive purple socks. Schieffer responded they were a statement for his Alma matter, T C U who is in contention for the BCS. Schieffer noted in this regard he is biased and had editorialized on the National Collegiate Football Championships. Worth noting is that the School of Journalism at Texas Christian is the named for Schieffer.
While watching “Turn The Table”, I was caught off guard by a remark that Ms. Amanpour made. The former well known foreign correspondent for CNN said that this week during our President’s Asian trip, the Chinese were openly questioning whether America is the leading economic power in the World.
I was startled. During my recent lunch conversation with Christiane I asked her about how she felt about China as an economic competitor to the United States. She answered forthrightly that it was a misconception as she did not feel that the Chinese viewed themselves as competitors to U S having the world’s largest economy. From her answer and the way it was delivered I believe she implied this was an American perception (as opposed to a Chinese one.)
Given her report of the Chinese assertion I wonder if her opinion has changed?
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