Sunday, May 15, 2011

1 Year Main Library Update

Siouxland Libraries renovated Main Library in downtown Sioux Falls has been open for over one year.

Last year I posted on the opening and with pride and optimism of the potential the Library presented to our community and especially our children. In terms of usage I am never satisfied, the Main Library has exceeded my realistic expectations.

The building itself is a jewel in the welcoming environment and its extensive use of natural light. But what happens at the Library is what really counts and it has been happening. Good architectural design can change neighborhoods. This would be true of a DT Events Center also but it is the Library usage I would like to update on.

In the first 51 weeks the Main Library has been BUSY!

Consider the Numbers
674,966 visitors came in the building
512,335 items were checked out
282.309 items were checked out at self check terminals
464,000 items were checked in
4,358 library cards were issued at Main
12,057 titles were catalogued
29,756 items processed by technical services
7.799 Interlibrary loans were processed
126.330 times computers were used by the public
691 times the meeting rooms were used
273 children’s programs
6,979 children attendance
85 adult programs
981 adult attendance
107,715 items in the collection (January 1, 2011)

Uncounted are the many lives that were enriched! – A GREAT First Year!

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