This post and my outrage
is not about my personal support of certain issues but rather the time our
governmental bodies are dithering on the relatively less important issues.
I am leaving any thoughts
on solutions to perhaps a later post.
My frustrations permeate
almost all levels of government.
Our school board is bogged
downed squabbling about school start dates. The City is yacking about
restricting food trucks. County government is bogged down figuring out how to
have fair elections. (It isn’t that complicated We know how to do it. We have
had fair elections in South Dakota since statehood. Election problems were
caused by unpreparedness and election officials’ mistakes – some who took
responsibility and some who did not.)
The State Legislature
spends inordinate time on concealed weapons. We have one of the most pro gun
concealed carry laws in the nation. Is
security in the State Capitol in jeopardy? Our Legislature wants to abolish the
U S Department of Education (which they have zero power to do) and they are spending
lots of committee time, discussion and public engagement on restricting rare
almost non-existent abortions. Our federal government is playing political one
upsmanship putting national security at risk over the debate on the immigration
Feelings on these issues
vary greatly. Feelings on some are intense, some issues are very personal, and
some issues are simply political wedge issues. A lot of time, energy, and
political capital are being wasted at the expense of much bigger problems.
South Dakota K-12
education is not doing their job. (Before my school and educator friends put me
on their unwelcome list remember School people play the hand they are dealt.
It’s up to the Legislature and School Boards to effect policy and change.
Taxpayers provide the money.) At South Dakota Universities, about 30 percent of
South Dakota High School graduates require remedial work. Should not our
Legislature and School Boards be having discussions and taking significant
action on high school grads not being ready for higher ed?. Maybe our School
Board ought to be working not on when school starts but why the school year isn’t
longer or standards higher?
In South Dakota our jails
are full. Minnehaha County increasingly is spending more of its budget on
incarceration costs. The County has noticed some of the neighboring tenant
Counties and they may be turning away their prisoners. Brown County also has
said they are nearing over capacity. While all the evidence is not in on our
Criminal Justice reforms (and they must be given a chance), new jails may still
have to be built or criminals turned lose.
Locally exacerbating the
jail problem, the crime rates in the City of Sioux Falls have risen
dramatically. The City has been reluctant to admit there is even a problem and
public safety has been given a lower priority than development issues. Despite a 58% growth rate in crime, little focus
and less discussion has been given this important basic problem?
Federally our most
important issue seems to be a pipeline (that I support and think is a no
brainer) while foreign policy is dismissed. We may be on the brink or WWIII (or
maybe its already started and we just have not recognized it yet). No one seems
to be working of finding solutions to our persistent federal deficits or needed
social security reforms whose fiscal magnitude
is overwhelming
Particularly frustrating
to me is that despite all the effort (public and private) and the billions of
dollars that are spent, people are hungry in America. We have literally
thousands of federal programs and grants for practically every imagined and
even unimagined purposes yet many people among us including large numbers of
children remain hungry.
With all the smart people
and our smart elected officials why can’t we even fix this most basic welfare
need? For perspective, as a national problem where does hunger rate say
compared to the 17 percent default rate on Student Loans over $100,000, the oil
depletion allowance, or the space program?
The point of this rant is
that we need to focus government and politics on our Big Problems not sideshows.
Way too much time is being spent on the mice while we ignore the elephants. The
elephants being America’s kids are
falling behind in education, our jails are full, and the world is a dangerous
place. And Oh Yes, we are spending billions on food assistance but people are
still hungry.
We can solve these
problems but we must first give them priority; and then summon the political
courage, dedication, and statesmanship to solve them
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